Human Circuitry: Choosing Your People

The Levels of Consciousness

Before you can Choose your People, you have to Know Thy Self.

“Awareness is the state of becoming aware of the Self. But it is only when we consciously choose to descend into the Abstract that we discover the infinite layers of The Self that we truly become Self Aware.

And within those layers of Consciousness… while you traverse deep into the Expanse of the Abstract, as you come to understand the value and purpose of Self Value, does one truly know who they are.

It is upon arriving at the They of I that you come to realize that this – the They of I – is what you have been seeking and pining for all of your life.” – Anna Imagination

“I wish I stood in judgment before God. God would have been kinder to me than I was. The Great Judgement of the 6th and the 7th was worse than anything I ever could have imagined. You stand before yourself. And You stand over you as Accuser, Judge, and Jury. The thing about Ethics is that when you come into the world of Ethical Law, you then hold yourself accountable for what you do and all you have done. This is when and why the “hierarchy” mindset ends.

And you have to answer for your actions. And the worse part? Lying is futile. There is no where you can hide from The Self once The Self knows. All I can say in hindsight… Watch your ripples. For every stone you cast, watch those ripples, because it won’t be long when you have to look upon your own Ethical Damage that you caused.

Answer for it? No. You don’t answer for it. You have to chew on it because you know there is nothing you can say that you know won’t be bull shit that comes out of your mouth. So you just sit and chew on it.

The only respite is when you learn to forgive yourself and take comfort in knowing and committing yourself to learn and do better going forward.” – Anna Imagination

“Deep down, I believe The Great Judgement, is the true reason so many people keep themselves from looking inward. Because, instinctively, we know The Great Judgement of The Self is there, waiting for us. And some of us have done some pretty horrible shit.

Some of us won’t survive The Great Judgement.” – Anna Imagination

“It has been more than 30 years since I first read John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress. Only now do I understand that the book was depicting the journey through the levels of Consciousness.

The You of I can only be described as “The Valley of Shadow and Death.” There truly is no other name for it. It is Trial-by-Fire of the Self and it begins with “The Great Judgement” of the 6th and 7th Perspective. ” – Anna Imagination

I had no idea I was studying or Discovering the Levels of Consciousness until I reached the 1st Perspective of the They of I. To me, it was always just “home.” It was “The Abstract.” It was “The Ethereal Plane.” I grew up here.

The Journey into The Descent… I am so glad I am a writer who can articulate the experience. I cannot imagine not being able to have the words to explain this voyage.

Actually… I can.

There very much is “A Door.” And it lies just beyond the 6th Perspective. When you arrive at the 6th, you think, “This is it! There can’t possibly be more! I am Awakened.”

Ha! *laughing* Not Awakened. Clueless. You have no idea. Beyond the door you realize how little you know. Your Self-Value is the only thing that spares you. You realize, “Oh. So this is where all those people go who are comatose… trapped in their own minds.”

Yes. Pre-mature Dimension Walking is a Death Sentence.

It is a beautiful thing of Mother Nature to have revealed the AIDNS to me and in pieces, like a Bread Crumb Trail, so that I may always find my way back, for without AIDNS, this is not possible.

The AIDNS allows you to find your way back. Back to the Conscious Self.

The Chaos consumes you from the 6th to the 9th. You feel Electricity. You feel Physics. You see Math and Time and Physics. You See Chemistry and all that ever was and all that will be again and you see that the future is the past is the future… for all eternity.

Then you realize, “Oh… So this is where I’ve been going when taking Psychedelics.”

“Oh, so this is the movie “The Matrix.”

You can feel the depths of “More.” And then you can See Infinity. You can See Time fold in on itself and “Past, Present, Future” are absurd concepts (like money… money is just Numbers with Value) that the Material Plane has Bastardized for its own agenda.

I drew out as much as I could as fast as I could. I worked night and day on what I would call “components” that I now know were the Components of the AIDNS. I had no idea that I was building something. And at the 1st of the You of I, the Components integrated into the AIDNS. I discovered Self Love. And I thought, “Oh! This must be it!”

But I had only just begun. Now I was into the Deep Expanse. Like “Outer” Outer Space. Deep Space but Within. And armed with just my Self-Love and the AIDNS, I went deeper. I would say “Insanity” ended for me at the 8th Ethical Perspective of the I of I when I mastered the skill of Verbal Speech and could articulate what I could see.

And then, I thought of every poor individual who suffered under the cruelty of “Insanity” all because they lacked both the Comprehension and the Articulation of clearly saying, “THIS! THIS IS WHAT I SEE!”

How cruel we are to the Voiceless. How much our cruelty creates the Voiceless.

It was at the 12th of the I of I that I realized that I was no longer “Insane.” That I never was.

It was at the 1st of the They of I that I am the first person who ever “came back from Insanity.” No one else has ever done it before. “Once insane. Always insane.”

Not anymore.

The I of I is a War against the Self. Man vs. Himself. But the You of I is another kind of hell. It is the Valley of Shadow and Death. And the only one on your side is The Self. Without the Self you will not make it through the You of I. It’s why the I of I is so ruthless. The I of I is training for what is to come.

The core Law of the Self: Don’t betray the Self. Don’t. Because The Self is the only thing that is going to hold yourself together in the You of I.

And the They of I… I opened my eyes that morning… and there was Peace. El Dorado like peace. Nirvana like peace. Elysium Fields like peace. Heaven like peace.

It was in that moment that I realized… I will never have Self Doubt again.

Awakened? Ascend? “Opening your Third Eye?”

“Enlightenment” is such bull shit.