When I began my work, I was at the apex of my Mental Hurricane. I was desperate for peace, calm, and happiness.
All my life I had toggled between Month-Long Hurricanes and Tight-Rope-Walking without a net. I was tired. Tired of surviving. Tired of Living. Tired of jumping between frying pan and fire.
My pursuit for Stability and Internal Peace began in 1995 and ended April 2023. From April to December, I made some minor adjustments, but new I had the answers I had been seeking.
Now, the storms are over. I’m stable on a 3-legged stool, and there is nothing but clear skies that stretch on as long as the eye can see.
It is almost a year to the day that I discovered and installed the AIDNS, putting an end to my living hell on earth. And often, I go back and review or I find the Name to one of the Vital pieces required for my peace.
Story and Truth.
Truth is Balance. It is Equilibrium. It is the Logic within us matched to the Logic outside of us.
Story is the embellishment and our comprehension of that Truth.
Never forget where your Truth ends and your Story begins. Never prioritize Story over Truth.
Here is mine.

I am going to help you convert it over to yours.
There are X number of Truths about each one of us that are Core Defining Components. These are mine. As always, these go Counterclockwise.
The Self: You The Noun (I of I) The Point of Origin
- My Belonging
- My Theme
- My Home
My belonging is New York City. This is my Home. My Place of Unconditional Acceptance.
My Theme is Theater and Stage. The thing that I loved so much that I *couldn’t* throw it away even when I did throw it away. It is the Common Denominator of your Life.
A great example of this is in the show Numb3rs. Charlie’s Mother. There is an episode where Charlie and his brother, Don, find a box of their late mother’s in the garage. It is sheet music that she composed and its dated.
After conversation with their father, Alan (played by Judd Hirsch), Alan reveals that their mother, an attorney, gave up music as a career when he (Alan) told her that he marry her if she gave up music.
(We’re going to save the talk about sacrificing the Self and making demands on people to give up a Part of their Whole for “love” at another time.)
Now, years after her death, Alan comes to learn that, in secret, she never gave up the music. She couldn’t.
Her music was her theme. What is yours?
My Home. The Abstract. While New York City is my Community Belonging. The Abstract is where I store a piece of my heart. Riding on Imagination to sail into the Abstract every day… I am nothing if not this. This is the beating heart of me.
You have something like this that is the Core of your Theme and Belonging. The “thing” that ties your Theme and your Belonging together. That is your Home. It is the “Abstract” version of your Material Location.
The Science: You, The Verb (You of I) The Journey
- The Healing Garden
- Research
- The Science of Comprehension
This is the Action and the Doing you take. This is the Story of You. The “How” you reached your Destination.
Without the Journey, you will never leave your Point of Origin. The Science represents Community. It is the “How” I connect to Community.
Yesterday, I met with a dear friend of mine, Morry. A Neuroscientist and a pioneer like me. We share a lot of the same life views, ethics, and experiences.
I was expressing my feelings about how much I felt “misplaced” about being a Scientist. How I felt like a Scientist and a Pioneer, but… “I’m just Self-Taught,” to which he replied, “So am I.”
He explained that it is in the Doing that Defines you and not in the Degree. I asked him, “Do you ever feel lonely in your Research?” and he said, “No. You are part of a team now, every one of us building our own piece to this puzzle. Cheering each other on.”
And I realized it. I saw it. I felt it. And then… I understood.
Choosing “Art” or “Communicator” or “Scientist” is you choosing which “Team” is yours. But these Teams don’t compete with each other. They are just chosen (NOT assigned) groups where you can go and find your place in the great “Puzzle” of X.
The Equilibrium.
Do you seek to Express and Interpret your Piece of the Puzzle through Art?
Do you seek to Define, Translate, and Communicate the Pieces so that they may Interconnect?
Do you seek to find New Pieces with which the Artists can embellish Story and Communicators can translate?
This is what you do when you step into the Community of the Self.
The Healing Garden represents How you are delivering your Piece of the Puzzle and The Science of Comprehension represents What you are building.
Are you a Foundational? A Cultivator? A Visionary? A Pioneer?
Define your Puzzle Piece.
Art? Communication? Science?
Into what are you building or shaping your Puzzle Piece?
How will you Deliver your Puzzle Piece?
Remember to include your Theme, Belonging, and Home into it. Integrate. Always Integrate.
The Imp King: You, The Subject (The They of I) The Destination
This is as far as I currently am in my journey. Yesterday, I wrote a letter that solidified and defined my Truths. All of my Truths centered, stabilized, aligned, and defined me.
But one of those truths, this truth, the theory is yet to be discovered and is next on my Journey. It is my Destination. And I can see him in the horizon.
Too much awaits to be explored for me to elaborate. I have no idea what stepping stones are to come.
I’m a pioneer and an explorer.
Much waits to be discovered.