Rich Dad, Poor Dad: A Review

“Poor People and Rich People have two completely different philosophies about money. Poor People are loudest about which is “the right way” to handle money.

Poor People are Noisy Know-Nothings about money.

The thing is, The Poor is penniless. The Rich is wealthy. Why would we ever listen to money advice from the Poor?

This was the base message from Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and it only got better from there.” – Anna Imagination

I will be blunt. Read this book.

The entire Rich Dad, Poor Dad Series is all the Financial Education you need to get started.

From there, you finally have your foot in the door and you’re a thousand steps ahead from most everyone else.

What surprised me the most about this book was how much it is Triadic Healing For Finances! It was literally 100% my own Philosophy applied to Finances! The amount of Validation that came from this was overwhelming heart warming. It was everything I’ve been looking for.

Before reading this book (I read the Kindle version), I was terrified of tackling Economics, Finance, Investing, Stocks, and Real Estate.

After reading this book, before I was done with the book, I was reading the Wall Street Journal, studying Economics, studying Investment, and learning more about Money and Real Estate.

I had three additional books on my Financial Reading List. I felt confident, a clear Financial Path, and Determined. I saw also how much I did have in the line of Assets. I realized how much I was on the right track and also, what steps I needed to take next.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is the big “THIS WAY” Arrow that every single one of needs toward the correct Education for Financial Literacy.

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