The Life Map, The Shedding, And Life In The New World

Good morning! Or Afternoon/Evening wherever you are.

I’m still drinking my coffee. I made my rounds and I’ve taking a step back. I love the Stages and Rounds of Life and I’m at a point where I identify them, move with them, break things down as they fall, and they everything rebuilds.

I’m finally able to see the difference between the Core Skeleton (The 12 Ethics and The Rod of Truth and My Self… Your Core Skeleton should be The 12 Ethics and The Rod of Truth and Your Self), but all else strips down and vanishes. It then rebuilds.

As things rebuild, I know some things are here to stay while other things are just stepping stones to help me get to the next stage.

At first, I was terrified when I watched all the things I love strip away. I learned to Love and attach only to the Constants, which are Truth. That way all other things strip and break down as needed.

When I first began this, I watched people, possessions, and knowledge just fall away from me. I learned to let it go. And then I found Truth and True Love. I found the 12 Ethics, and that proved to be a Stable Solid Constant that has survived more than 60 “Sheddings” now.

Lie does not survive a Shedding.

And holding onto a Falsehood (a Lie) will prevent your Growth.

A Shedding is what some people call “An Ego Death,” but you need The Ego for that is your Self-Esteem and your Self-Love. Also, the word “Ego” has been poorly defined since Freud that no one really knows what it is and too many people mix it up with Self-Love.

So I avoid the word “Ego.” I call this a “Shedding.”

When you release all your Lies like a Snake Shedding its skin so you can build anew. The problem is, how do you sort out our Truths from Lies?

“Worldly Possessions” was mistranslated a long time ago. It actually means “Unnatural” or “Man-Made” or “Not of Nature.” Also, “Illogic,” “Logical Fallacy,” “Lie,” or “Not The Truth.”

Once I learned this, I was able to release everything during a “Shedding,” knowing — trusting — that Truth will make its way through with me to the Other Side.  And that is how I sorted out the “Truth.” It’s the only thing that has stayed with me over 60 Sheddings.

It’s how I am able to tell all the Lies. The Lies are all the Beliefs that “didn’t make it.” The Truths are the Common Denominators of all the Truth that survived The Sheddings.

Back when I was in the… Hell-On-Earth, a lot of people held onto and collected Lies. I was able to see precisely which “Shedding” would strip that Lie from them. I knew it was false. And their clinging to the False Belief ended their Growth.

I watched their Confusion, their inner turmoil grow with their Confusion. I watched their stability falter. They were contaminated with Lie. And their Growth came to an end because they clung to firmly to Lie.

I had to let them go.

**deep breath**

Let’s take a moment and just breathe… 2… 3… 4… and out… 2… 3… 4… In… 2… 3… 4… and out… 2… 3… 4… In… 2… 3… 4… and out… 2… 3… 4…

What do you Appreciate?

Savor and Enjoy something around you right now…

Now make a Wish.

Gratitude… Savor… then Wish. Every time.

Every one of us must decide to what extent we wish to shed the Old World and adopt the New. For me, 100% of all Old is being stripped away, right down to the Language. I speak Abstractic. It’s the Language I invented to translate and explain the Science I do in the Lab, making it 100% compatible with Nature, Science, and the Mind.

I have restored also, the Old Calendar System, which is The Life Map and was just the Life Cycle mapped out with all the details. I follow The Life Map to the letter.

It tracks The Seasons, The Solstice, Days (Sun), Months (Moon), Mercury Retrograde, and Planetary Alignment as well as The 12 Ethics… November. February. May. August. Well… I was born in May. Wow… I… Have a lot of work to do.

Does the 12 Ethical Stages align with my Birthday… or Mercury Retrograde?

Damn. I won’t know that until I can track others inside The Ethical Journey.


Thank you for your Reading! This is just a corner of Anna’s World! If you wish to know more about Anna’s World, you may Explore her University Emporium in The Esoteric Sciences, Psychological Physics, and The Asha Journey here.

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