Time and Pacing : The Growth Trials


I removed myself from Social Media last night, and within an hour, I felt time just slow to a standstill.

There is a Space I enter with Mother Nature that I have not named. It is the place where I can feel the Next Growth Trial Begin. It is the Space where I learn. Where I Name the Growth Trials. Where I discover.

This space within The Abstract, is “The Dagobah System,” one might say.

It’s where Mother Nature reveals her Secrets. Where she provides “Epiphany” or “Vision.” Where you find your Answers. It is always between Sleep and Awake and Lucid Dreaming. It is where you go at 2 AM.

I entered this Space with her last night and I felt the Rhythm of Life, the Beat and Pulse of Live slow to a stand still.

My next Growth Trial is to Control Time.

In that moment, I saw myself Standing in one Space. In can slow and Savor each moment so that each moment last 60 pulses… or… I can speed through it so that each moment is gone in a fraction of a single pulse.

The Pulses never change. How I experience those Pulses is up to me.

Just as Our “Chakra” System Opens from Crown down for The Grounding, it is in our Discipline of Slowing Down that we gain more. Just like when you stop searching, you find the Solution.

I tapped my finger like a metronome to the beat of 34. I reflected on my Music Days of Slow Practice under Julliard and then understood how and why I was meant to master Slow Practice.

I realized just then, to Master this Discipline, you cannot be on Social Media. Social Media was its own Frequency that disrupted mine. Doom Scrolling destroys your Zen.

Just being online to obtain the Advice of Meditation, killed my Zen Environment. Get. Off. Social. Media.

I reflected on the amount of Trust I was gifting to Strangers who then ripped me apart. Why? For What? To learn? To Grow? I learned now to entrust Strangers with any part of me. Not even a single word. Get. Off. Social. Media.

I learned that the people who are still on Social Media, are not at all my people. Not at all. My people are the people who are already off of Social Media and who have completed their Healing. I need to not be working with the Sick anymore. I already did that work (That is Triadic Healing Part #1).

I am a Role Model Teacher. I show you how I did it. What I do. Why I do it. And those who Value my Progress, my Work, my Philosophy, and my Lifestyle, they have the option to Mimic and Copy, until they Master well enough that they can Author their own lives. These are the Stages of Learning.

Today is Day #1 of me sitting in my Garden. Slowing down. Breathing deep. Today is me… reflecting. I know what I have to do. I now precisely what I need to do. I have no idea how I am going to deliver it. But… I am beginning to think… It is not my task. I am a Resource Generator. I don’t deliver the Knowledge or Energy. I just Generate it.

I discovered yesterday the Energy or the Plug concept. A person is either an Energy Provider or a Plug. Plugs move the Energy. I am an Energy Provider. I cannot Distribute. No matter how hard I try. In fact, the harder in this I try, the less I accomplish. I cannot deliver Energy. I need someone else to carry the Produce of Energy.

So I continue to just Generate it here. Produce my Content, but not moving it.

And I’ve decided to no longer try.

There is a lesson in recognizing our limitations and weaknesses.

The first lesson of Mother Nature’s Ethical Journey is to Sit with what is here before you, and to surrender and let go of what is not.



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