DIY Cultivator’s Lesson #2 : Plato’s Point


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DIY Cultivator Training

Lesson #2 : Plato’s Point

In this Lesson

Plato’s Point

Exoteric and Esoteric Learning / Instructions

Embarrassed by Humanity →

“Point of Lie” to “Breaking Point” 


Engage in our Q&A.

The 7 Core Exoteric Lessons   


If the Individual does not consent to Learn, then the Lesson is Non-Consensual and a Connection is Made by Force. This is Rape. Trust occurs when the Receiver of Knowledge has evaluated the Situation and they feel Low Risk and High ROI (Reward). It is the Low Risk and High Reward, that compels the Receiver to agree to Submit to the Lesson.


Their Mind requires a Sequence and a Path they must walk to get to the Right Perspective so they can See the Truth. This Journey is long and hard with or without Instruction. Without Instruction, it can take 40 Years or more. With Instruction, it can take 10 years. Maybe less.


It is Trust after an evaluation of Safety that allows the Student to submit to the Lesson to learn.


Trust only The Truth. It’s in its Name. Trust only The Truth. That’s why it’s called “Trust.” Stay Loyal to Truth and you will find Love and Ethics. 


Logic is the “How” of Truth. 


Truth is. 


Truth is very easy to Identify and Define with Logic, Math, and the Sciences. I condensed that Knowledge into Four Formulas, which I integrated into One Formula, which I call “The Truth Formula.” 


I then built Mother Nature’s Algorithm. Effective Immediately, Discerning the Truth is EASY. Opinion is the Opposite of Truth and is Based on Lies. Lies are Logical Fallacy. Self-Preservation is Intent to Deceive.


Truth is.


How skilled a Student, Judge, Attorney, Parent, Religious Leader, Scientist is at Finding the Truth is their Conundrum, but Truth Is. Sitting out there… waiting for you to Discover it.


If you speak Opinions, if you talk without Logic, if you speak Not Truth, then you are Lying, which only breaks your Mind and those who Trust you. But never Truth. You can’t break Truth. Truth Is.


Your Math Teacher should have taught you about Common Denominators and Constants. They should have taught you that Truth is Common Denominators and Constants. They should have taught you that all you have to do is Identify and Group the Common Denominators and Constants, and then you’ll know Truth.


You only need Four Data Points.


If they taught you proper Grouping, you’ll get Constants and Common Denominators all the time. Grouping is a Language and Logic so the Math Teacher may not be skilled in Grouping. Oh, Irony!


The Academic Disciplines – Not Physics – are Truth. Math is a disorganized Hot Mess. I recommend Jason Gibson of Science and Math. He is putting Math in the Right Order and is fixing it.


Physics –  sighs – Physics is riddled with Opinion that is not being discerned as Theory. Which is why Non-Physicists really need to stay out of Physics and Physicists really need to stop Publishing Theories so Non-Physicists – who have not been trained in Science – won’t assume that every Theory is Fact. 


Newton’s Physics are Facts! Tesla’s Physics are Facts! Their Physics actually Works and you can build stuff with it! Mechanical Physics… Some of it is Fact and some of it is Theory, but Articles don’t tell you which is which. All of Physics is Philosophy, and most everyone has not studied Philosophy. And even fewer people have studied Philosophy as an Esoteric.

The Academic Disciplines are Truth. And each one of them – All 21 of them – are inside of you. To hate a Discipline is to hate a Part of You. And now we’re getting into Mental Illness with The Divided Self. 


The Academic Disciplines are composed of Proven Truth. Not History. Don’t touch History. Note even Archeology. Don’t touch History until after you have learned and Mastered These 7 Core Exoteric Lessons. Mastered the 7 Core Exoteric Lessons. Not “learned.” Mastered them.   


Truth is The Origin – with Love and Logic – and Truth is The “Spinal Cord” of Comprehension that our Self, Understanding, Orientation, and The Academic Disciplines, and Our Life Story is built upon. You remove the Truth, and you Remove all Logic and Love.


And then you Lose the Self. You are thrown off The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self, and Insanity begins. 


Loss of Truth is Insanity. 


Lies cause Insanity.


Don’t. Lie.


Information can be Toxic and cause harm or it can be Nutritional and cause Nourishment and Good Health. Quality ensures the Endurance of something. The lower the Quality, the more likely the Information is wrong, harmful, damaging, toxic. The Higher the Quality, the Closer to Truth it is.


Quality is the Guarantee that something will last and is good, or that something is wrong and false. If the student is not trained in the Importance of Quality and How to Secure Quality through Scientific Method, then the Individual will not know how to tell or test Bad Information from Quality Information. 


And then, anyone can Lie to them and they will believe it. Quality ends Gullibility and Naivety.


Why we Learn

We Learn to Feed our Mind so that it gets Nourishment. Without Learning, the Mind is starved, Scarcity Mindset is activated, the brain is rewired, and trauma sets in. Learning is the Construction of  our Logical Comprehension of our Self. It is our Building a Healthy DNA for our Bodies.


We Learn so we can Navigate Life with the Highest of Quality to fortify the Health of our Mind. If a person has Mental Illness it is because they did not learn Quality, they learned toxic information that they cannot discern the difference between Truth and Lie – if they could, then they would not have Mental Illness.


Learning is the Discovery of The Self so we can be Oriented in relativity to the Truth, but also, it is the Training of how to Learn with High Quality so we can stay Safe through the Training. It is being Taught in Truth, about Truth. It is being Taught in Self, about Self. It is being Taught in Ethics, about Ethics. It is being Taught How to Learn, so they can Learn without the aid of a Teacher at their side. 


It’s being Taught High Quality of Independence and Self-Resourcefulness to ensure the Safe and Healthy Journey through their Learning Journey of the Discovered Self. Without Learning, we will never be Oriented in Relativity to The Truth to know who we are.


Esoteric vs. Exoteric

The Science of Perspective is a vast Discipline that exists – as all Disciplines do – Within the Self. This is The Esoteric – Inside – Point of View of Experience. Without a Teacher in early Childhood, the Student will never find “The Door.”


Likewise, a Bad Teacher, will prevent the Child from ever finding the Door on their own. Lies prevent People from finding  “The Door” of the Esoteric.


An Exoteric is an Outsider. 


Think of this Example : If you wanted to go into space, and you were preparing to go into Space, then who would you want to teach you? A 6th Grade School Teacher? Or Neil Armstrong? The 6th Grade School Teacher is an Exoteric. Neil Armstrong is an Esoteric. The Journey into The Self is a Journey where most people are Exoterics. Only Philosophers have attempted  to enter The Esoteric. Only The Greeks and The Great Writers have Succeeded. 


Finding the Door is hard if you don’t even know there is a Door. And most people aren’t even looking. The Self is an Academic Discipline. The Academic Disciplines – The ones proven by Science – And only an Esoteric is on The Right Path toward Truth. Lies set you on  The Wrong Path and cause Mental Illness. Lies keep you on the Exoteric Path. If you have a Mental Illness, then you are not an Esoteric. You are an Exoteric. And you are not at all on the right Path. 


You have to Purge Lies to find the Door. You have to be trained in the Mental Diversification Skills to find the Door. You have to know there is a Door. And if you’re Mentally Ill, you’re not even on the Stone Path. You’re lost at sea on a Ship with rent sails.


This is the result of an Exoteric teaching. Quality ensures that only an Esoteric teaches you. And the 4th Lesson that Teacher would teach you? That Learning is only done within the Esoteric. Learning is only ever done within the Esoteric. 


Training is done in the Exoteric. But Learning? That is only between Student and Nature within the Esoteric. Training is Instruction. Like this Manual. But The Esoteric? That is in The Doing. And right now, you’re only just Reading. You are just Building your Logical Comprehension and Correcting the Line of Reasoning – The Track – so your Energy and  Force can Flow properly.


But Skill Building is done in the Thinking, The Logic Sorting, and Doing, which is The Esoteric.


Scientific Method vs. Trial and Error

Trial and Error is what Monkeys do when they eat berries and then they watch a friend die so they say, “I wonder if that was George or if it was the Berry,” so they do it again. After the 4th Berry and the 4th dead monkey, they said, “Don’t eat the red berries.” 


This is Trial and Error. And the “Don’t eat the Red Berries” was passed down from generation to generation. “Don’t eat the red Berries.”


School should have taught you – Mine does – that you only need 4 Data Points. I asked a dear friend of mine the other day, “How long have you been trying to change?” and she said, “3 times a year since 1997.”


I told her, “The 4th Time in 1998 was all the data you ever needed. If you didn’t figure it out in 1998, then you won’t figure it out because you don’t know how to use Four Points of Data.”


You need to learn how to use Four Points of Data. Your Math Teachers should have taught you this. 


There is “Trial and Error,” and there is “Trial and Error : The Wrong Way.” And then there is the Scientific Method. I only use the Ashavana Scientific Method and that is the one I will be referring to in all of my work. 


Trial and Error is the Stage of the Lab when “You need more Data” so you run Experiments, you collect four Data Points, and you analyze. If you have Mother Nature’s Algorithm, then you don’t need more than that. 


If you lack Mother Nature’s Algorithm, then you need 500,000 Data Points, which is a bit much, but it gets people’s attention. 


The Wrong Way is when you run your Experiments and you never analyze. You ignore the Data and you just… do it again. This is what most people do. Botched Science. That is what most people do.  


Scientific Method is The Learning Process. Scientific Method is Natural and Organic and – in Optimized and Healthy People – you will run through the full process within a few days without any obstructions.


Without Scientific Method, you will never get past your Intuition Stage #3 – Most people are stuck in Intuition Stage #1 and Intuition Stage #2 and are suffering from the Intuition Paradox – and you will keep repeating the Botched Trial and Error without ever analyzing the Data and using it properly to Calculate and Solve.


Scientific Method is Mastered and Polished when you Learn the Academic Disciplines. The 12  Ethics are the Natural Milestones achieved as your Progress through the Disciplines. The 12 Ethics are a Natural Consequence and Discovery within The Academic Disciplines and Scientific Method.


These Three Learning Pillars are The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self. Bad Teaching and Bad Parenting interferes with this process, stops it, and then recalibrates your Mind to alter your Hypothalamus and “adjust” the Autonomic Nervous System, sticking you permanently in your Parasympathetic Nervous System. 


This activates your Vagus Nerve “Substitute Sympathetic Nervous System,” and your brain is officially re-wired with Trauma. Your get stuck in Stage #1 and Stage #2 of Intuition, forever Feeling and Seeing, but never being able to clearly express what you Feel or See, and you repeatedly eat The Red Berry, ignoring the number of dead monkeys all around you.


And this is our World. This is why Bad Teachers are a problem. This is why Psychologists must Train Teachers. This is why Psychologists must Train People about Trust, Truth, Quality, Why we Learn, the Esoteric and Exoteric Learning Environments, and Scientific Method.

The Psychologist : The New Teacher

I attended a talk yesterday about the Parts of the Subconscious Mind. At the end of the Talk, a Coach who was underqualified, announced to the room that the Mind was Dangerous and to not “go into the mind” without being somewhere safe.


Her message was filled with fear and terror. I stopped her and said, “Not at all. I explained that the Subconscious Mind has built in defenses so you can’t hurt yourself. Trust your Subconscious Mind to take care of you. It will. Do not fear the Mind. It cannot harm you. It protects you.”


In 2015, my therapist said something similar, and it made me terrified of my own mind. It made me terrified to use my own Imagination for five years. In order to recover, I had to learn not to trust Therapists and to override her statement just to void it out, so I could face my own Mind, and heal. 


Only Trained Psychologists with a Map of The Subconscious Mind are qualified to Teach about the Mind. When you Teach, you are going inside the Mind and walking the Student through the Paths of Milestones to get to the Truth Perspective.


The Academic Disciplines, which have been proven True – not History – are therefore, the only thing that is Safe enough for others to Teach and only in the Right order. Teaching Lies – Not Truths – Damages the Subconscious Mind. And only Information Proven with Science can be Taught as Truth. Otherwise, Truth – The Origin and Common Denominator of All – is lost, and replaced with a false Anchor, that results in Insanity.


This is why – In Community Gaia – Only Psychologists and Scientists are Teachers who train Guides in Quality, Ethics, Truth, and Logic to ensure  the safety of The Student. 


Only this will restore Sanity to this insane World. Coaches and Teachers who Teach without Truth cause substantial Mental Harm and Damage to the Mind.


By position Psychologists as Teachers, we can get ahead of the Mental Health Crisis and start addressing the Problem at the Core. Bad Teaching causes Mental Illness.

The Mental Diversification Skills

Mental Diversification Skills are your Logic, Math, and Physics inside of you that your Mind is using right now, without your Conscious Awareness. They run your Cognitive Core, Run and Operate your Perspective Scope, Navigate your System, Nourish your Self-Sailing System, Polish and Maintain your RAS, Problem Solve and Problem Prevent.  


In an Optimized, Healthy Person, the Mental Diversification Skills work with your System and keep you Safe. They Nourish you.


In a less than Optimized and Unhealthy Person, the Mental Diversification Skills will be used by your Subconscious Mind/Self-Preservation System to “Keep You Safe” by any means. The Mental Diversification Skills (MDS) will run your System without you, resulting in a plethora of problems that is simply just “Undisciplined Mental Math.”


Undisciplined Mental Math is :


  • Empathy
  • Emotional Fluctuations
  • Subjectiveness
  • Lashing out in Anger
  • Visions that lead to Fear
  • Out of Body Experiences
  • Delusions
  • Ruminating
  • “What If…” 
  • Obsession
  • PTSD
  • Micromanaging
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Self-Projected Fear Stories
  • Displaced Trust in Liars/Cheaters
  • Being “Sensitive”
  • Overwhelm
  • “Squirrel!”
  • Comparing yourself to Others
  • Addiction
  • Mental Illness


Trusting A Kind Liar 

I went to bed last night following one of the hardest days I have had in a while. Someone I trusted who I would call “Friend” messaged me. We had started our Friendship outside of the Guidelines of the Circle of Trust.


100% of all Friendships I formed outside of the Circle of Trust, turned out to be abusive and toxic and Psychologically Dangerous.


Psychologically Dangerous


That is a phrase we all need to really start thinking about. 


I had nearly 3 full months of pure bliss. I was flourishing. My business was moving along. My work was accelerating. And then this Friend came back. Within hours, we began arguing again. No one could launch me faster into an Argument than him. It was mind blowing. 


He was Kind. He was Logical. He was Civil. And his words were Lies. His way of Laying himself down as a Kind “Conflict Resolusionist” while also acting confused, “Why are you acting like X?” was so Harmless appearing, which caused the most damage. He had mastered the Deception of “Helpless” and “Harmless” while causing Significant Harm. 


It was the Harmless Question, “Why are you…?” That presents a Kind Behavior, but the Words… It was the Words. “Why are You…?” 


An Accountable Person would have asked, “Did I do something to upset you?” Accountable Speech is completely removed from these people… which is why they talk in 3rd Person only. They play the Savior and the Superhero, they play the Gentle and Kind, Civil and Sane, while their Words and Grammar do the Psychological Damage.


– I had to Master the Science of PhiloPhysology to Reverse Engineer this. It is Physics, Grammar, Words, Energy, Logic, and Language with Psychological Physics all in one, to identify the Tactic. Weaponized Grammar causes The Greatest of Damage. Highly Dangerous. And is the cause of all Mental Illness. –  


Narcissists always talk in “You.” They only ever talk in 3rd Person. The Behavior, Energy, Tone, is crafted to appear non-threatening, Kind, and Gentle, while the Words, which are poison – go in to do the Damage. 


I felt his words gently change my Logic. I felt his behavior soothe me while his words “Snipped” and “Shuffled” my Comprehension. I watched him do it. And he did it with such Ease while posing as the Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing. He sounded like a Kind Minister, while his Weaponized Grammarized stole my Story and The Truth from me. 


“Keep Calm while I just Operate on your Logical Core and remove your Perspective of me from you.”


He kept saying, “I’m just…” playing down his Actions while he Operated on my Logic. My Logic.

“This is Simple…” He said. No. it was not. It was highly complex and Mastered.


He kept Downplaying, and that was my Clue.


“I’m just setting a boundary.” Innocence while he Operated. 


No he was not at all setting a boundary. You do not “set” boundaries. 

He was micromanaging every word I was allowed to say about him.


He was lying, back peddling, feigning innocence, gaslighting, pretending all my problems and protests were not at all issues… here let me just step into your mind and “Snip” and “Shuffle.” You don’t need to get upset – there was that “you” again – Let’s just calm down. 


“It’s Off Putting,” he said to describe my words about him.  “You’ll make more friends if…” 


They focus on Calm and Sedation, while they Micromanage the Conversation, and they act like the Peace Maker when you get angry. The Behavior tells your Mind, “They are the Calm one. The sane one.” while your Anger for being under attack, launches you into full Self-Preserve mode, which they Passive Aggressive Attack. 


He even mirrored me at one point. I told him, “You are acting like I’m attacking you. Setting down a Boundary for “Z” when “Z” did not exist.” 

And then later he said, “Why are you acting like I’m attacking you?”


Because you are, I said. You’re Micromanaging my Language and my Perspective of you. Those are Mine. You can’t touch those and you did.  

I trusted my Anger. That is what saved me. I trusted my Anger. My Anger and my Trust in my Anger saved me. And It allowed me to ask the Question, “Why am I Angry?” And then I found it. Because he “Snipped” and “Shuffled” my Logic, my Words, and my Perspective. 


While singing me a soothing Lullaby. And then his Calm “Civil” and “Diplomatic” words were Weaponized as a Sedative on me while he conducted his Logical Surgery on me. 


It told him, “You don’t set a Boundary. You leave. That is where everyone messes this up. You never Set a Boundary. That Violates the Perspectives of Others. A True Boundary is you Leaving. So leave. But I shouldn’t be doing this for you. You should have done this for you. If you don’t like my Words, then you need to ask why they bother you, after you leave.” 


He left. And I felt Disoriented – he took away my Rod of Truth for a moment. I felt his Surgical Words snip me from my Rod of Truth. I got it back and I held it down. I was confused, worn out, exhausted, rattled. 


My best friend noticed and asked. I told him what happened and he said, “I’m never bothered about what other people think of me.”


No. I gently said to him. You’ve never been without Truth. You’ve never had it taken away from you. You never had people using words to snip it away from you and rip it out of your hands. The Truth has been something I have had to fight for, since 1984. And they Surgically tried to cut me away from it with Logic to do so. 


I only just got it  back on 2 April 2023. And I’m still recovering from the Shadows of the Hell I endured for 40 Years. Trusting a Kind and Gentle Liar is the most Dangerous thing of all. 


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