How An Education System Shapes A Society

“If you want to change a Society, start by changing what you teach and how you teach it. Study the Chain Reaction and Catalyst : Response of Human behavior and how a Mass responds to what type of Information.” – Anna Imagination

Pro Traders apply this skill to investing. Why can’t Teachers and Educators apply it to Society? If anything, The Pro Traders could teach the Educators how it’s done.

But if Pro Traders are more skilled at this at Educators, then maybe they should be the ones teaching our children, seeing as how they are the ones with the Education and Skills to figure this out.

You can solve a problem from inside the problem. Or you can solve the problem from outside of the problem.

Read that again.

Inside the problem, the problem can appear 10X the size of you. You can be blind to all the components to solve the problem, unaware of the invisible catalyst causing the problem, and oblivious to the organization and order of sequencing required to build your equation so you can solve the problem.

It’s a lot like a toddler, handling 2 foot tall number blocks in a poorly lit room while adults dressed in camouflage sit in the back of the room, unseen by the toddler who has no idea how to maneuver the situation effectively.

This is how most people solve problems.

To the child, the first thing I would say would be, “Turn on the lights.”

Most adults have no idea how to turn on the lights. Yet, turning on the lights is step #1 of problem solving. If you can’t see your entire situation, you’re not going to be able to solve your situation.

Let’s use this as the example for today’s subject. As things are, Problem Solving is not taught in today’s schools. As a result, children are not aware of Problem Solving and thus adults are not aware of Problem Solving.

When a problem does occur, it never occurs to children to problem solve. It also, never occurs to adults. Instead, we panic, complain, react, do nothing and the problem grows, worsens, expands and, eventually, implodes our lives.

Problem Solvers would say, “Wow. This is a problem. We should fix this.” And they would look to Schools and Educating and propose changing this by adding it to the curriculum.

That way Education +> Awareness +> Planning +> Application +> Practice +> Mastery.

The Problem Solver would ask, “What other problems are in our society that we should fix with education?”

Problem Solvers would have a meeting every week or month and come to the meeting with a list of things to add to the Education Curriculum.

People would then sit around and strategize how to go about teaching each of these proposals.

I’m doing it. What problems do you have that you wish schools and educators had taught you in highschool?

You know what School and Education isn’t? Practical! Education is not Practical.

What if we created a Practical And Common Sense Educational System For Life Application?

To build any Educational System, all you need is the problem, the components of the Solution in the right order. So… What do you need to know for life that you weren’t taught before?

People say “Awareness is the first step to change.” This is another Societal Lie to prevent you from looking at the Problem Maker and your True Abuser.

Education is the first step to change as Education leads to Awareness. Education, not Awareness, eliminates Ignorance. If you were Educated, you would have known that. The people who built your Educational Systems wanted you to “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

The Man Behind The Curtain

The Man Behind The Curtain is your Problem Maker and your True Abuser. He is the one inventing False Idioms and using the media he controls to prevent you from realizing there even is a curtain.

Watch the movies “Wag The Dog” and “Wizard of Oz.”

You know… it never occurred to me until now… To do for the world what I did for myself back in 1995.

When I realized the US Government was incompetent and not qualified, educated enough, or responsible enough to handle my Education (Thank you, Clinton Administration), I fired them and hired Plato to do the job.

I had to learn how to build my education.

I have the skill “How to assess, build, and compile the ideal Education for yourself and guarantee you get it right.”

This is a HIGHLY EFFICIENT SKILL. One I mastered at 12 – 15 and have since executed with perfection for 30+ years.

I should teach this!

This skill needs a name!

Education Planning.

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