The Education Reformation

Help us change the way Education is done in the United States

Under no circumstances should an Educational System be regulated by a Government. They are not educated in Education and Learning or Psychology to know what Children and a Society needs for Education. Nor do they know what an Educational System actually does.

Their Agenda is Politics and Power. Not your Children’s Future.

They use your Children’s Education to run their own Agenda. Why are Politicians in charge of our Education? Why are Teachers and Educators working for Politicians? is this about Education and Knowledge or Power and Control?

The Healing Garden presents The Ancient Greek Educational System, which was based on Pythagorean Psychology — the Mind responsible for Inventing The Educational System that produced Thinkers like Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Christ, Plutarch, Vitruvius, Euclid… do I need to go on?

Pythagoras’ Curriculum had a track record for producing Geniuses. The US Government’s Educational System makes people dumber and is a growing target for School Shootings.

And The Healing Garden knows why (It’s a code embedded into the Teaching Curriculum that they are too uneducated to even know about).

If you want to change our Educational System and Setup, please take a moment and express your Voice.