Symmetry, Equilibrium, Reflection

“How to make copies” of someone via Reflection.

Copy Machine Replication + Law of Reflection + Story Code +> Propagation

Stages of Propagation

“Story Navigation” The process we use to determine our lives.

Why are we obsessed with Story?

We are obsessed with story because “Story” is how we propel ourselves through the Life Cycle.

Learning how to apply “Story Navigation” to your life to propel Your Life Cycle on is key to success, love, and happiness.

The Formula of Life Propagation

AIDNS + Story Navigation + The Knowledge Tree + Resource Environmental Health (Scarcity : Abundance + Connection Quality) + Interference : Resistance + Community Network Health +> Your Propagation Journey or Your Life Cycle

The Practical Application of “Comprehension” Science

It is as if the Network is the pH and Health of the Soil for future Propagation.

“Why are we in pursuit of the Origin?”

“Are you my mummy?”

“We are in Pursuit of the Origin we forgot what we are supposed to look like and what we are supposed to be.”

And once we find the Origin, then we will remember who we are, so then we will know what and who to “mimic.”

The “Parent” or the “Origin” will be The Constant for each and every one of us. It will have 100% Accuracy. 100% relatability.

We lost it. A long time ago…

(The Fir Bolg)

You rehearse… The mimicry is a rehearsal of the components until you get it right. But you’re supposed to have so many mirrors identical to you, that you know precisely how to move, how to be, how to think.

When we began mimicking at some point, we forgot the meaning of the process and the theory and the philosophy, and we just… walked through the motions without Comprehension.

We require “The Recipe” for Life.

“Information must be accurate… A new ethic of the value of Accurate and Precise Information. Effective and precise Information.”

It feels like the 10th of You was an indulgence of Information. And now, I have a severe deep Value for the Accuracy, Validity, and Precision of that Information.

The Ethic of the 10th of You.

It is as if, the child is “born” and was birthed by a Mirror. No. The Parent birthed a Mirror. The child *is* the Mirror. And the child reflects the Parent. After 20 Dimensions spent reflecting the Consistent Parent, at last, the Child experiences a “Second Birth” where they step from the Mirror and The Become.

The Child “Born Again,” leaves the Parent, Selects their “Place” and stomps their Foot to the Ground, Grounding them, like a Giant Grounding Rod. And there they Attract their Network.

The Community grows. People who are “similar” and “like minded.” People who are sampling the “options” to see if *this* is their people. Which is why, it is so important, that, once you are “Grounded” you stay. Because then, people will come to you.

And This is why we should travel the world. We are seeking our “Grounding Place.”

And then, among people who are Grounded within that community, we find our Mate. And we create our own mirrors that we then birth.

This is the Human Life Cycle of Propagation.

  • 1 – People who value my Place
  • 2 – People who value my Ethic
  • 3 – People who value my Qualities
  • 4 – People who value my Interests

It is the “Place” that is most important.

“Who are you?” (I of I) – Observer + Mimic

“Where are you going to propagate” (They of I) Mimic + Role Model

“Who are you going to propagate with?” (They of I) Role Model + Observer

The DIY Learning Formula

Curiosity + Excitement + Exploration + Interest + Research +> Learning and Expansive Knowledge + Problem Solving

Found a Clue + Solving A Mystery + “On a Trail” + Tracking something + “You pulling a thread that is curious” + and “You’ve found something” + so you keep pulling +> You need up “frogging” history + You seek Full, omniscient Comprehension = You are seeking “to understand”