The AIDNS For Christians

“What you have is not Christ’s Religion. What you have is Rome’s Weapon.” – Anna Imagination

I was born and raised Southern Fundamental Baptist. I was baptized in 1993. I begged my parents to allow me my baptism, which they denied me at first, but I persevered.

From 1990 to 1995, I loved Jesus. I loved him so much that even after I became an Atheist, I still loved Jesus, but as a mortal man.

I have loved Jesus, the Son of God.

I have loved Jesus, the Man.

Today, I love Jesus, the Philosopher.

I do believe he lived and existed and, I believe his Philosophy is the most breath taking, beautiful, and purist Philosophy I have ever seen.

I believe that if Christ had been “hailed a Philosopher” instead of a deity, he would have been covered in dust much like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

But Christ’s Philosophy and approach was advanced. Actually, Christ’s Philosophy is very much identical to Plato’s Curriculum who taught the value in Teaching through Parable and Story… and then in Humor and Satyre, Theater and Stage.

Christ was the only Philosophers who actually practiced it, however. Story teaches. Teaching and Lectures often fall on deaf ears. (Aesop and Douglas Adams actually are two Philosophers who also did as Christ, all three of whom are not recognized as Philosophers).

It was nearly 30 years between my studies of Christ and my research into the 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth. I remember the day very vividly. My finger dragged along the pages.

“Plato. Plato. Plato. Plato. Christ. Plato.”

I paused.

“Christ? What is he doing here?”

I shrugged and kept going.

“Plato. Plato. Plato. Plato. Plato. Christ.”

Again I stopped and scrunched up my face.

Anomalies attract me like moth to flame. What was Christ doing in the middle of Plato, Descartes, and Newton?

By the time I was 10, I had an inhuman amount of the Bible memorized. The words were still there, are still there, in my mind. And as I kicked open the door of The Science of Human Comprehension and pushed my Mind through my Ontological research, piecing together components for the AIDNS and The Philosopher’s Compass, more and more, Christ’s words came to mind.

That is when I realized that I had stumbled on the same work as he.

“12 years old his worried mother went looking for him and she found him talking to a group of Wise Men and Scholars.”

And then Jesus vanished from the Bible for 20 years.

I had studied Rome. Extensively. I am very well acquainted with the geography, Mindset, Culture, Political System, and Behavior of Rome.

“They were not Wise Men,” I said. “They were Philosophers. Philosophers who were astounded at the Philosophy and insight of a 12 year old boy.”

More importantly… “Why would the Bible mention The Philosophers?”

I always thought Christ stayed in a Monastery for those 20 years because “His teachings were identical to The Buddha.” And they are. (Buddhism goes only as far as the 7th Ethical Perspective whereas Christ’s teachings go on to 12+. Hence the Buddhist’s affinity for “The Vow of Silence”).

But I had studied Philosophy; a banned subject among certain Christian Sects, and today, I know why.

Because when you study Philosophy, you realize that Christ’s Words were taught in Alexandria by Philosophers. Christ would have access to the Philosophical schools that were built on Greek Philosophy. He did impress by 12 years old. And when he re-emerged in the History again later, his Philosophy was identical to Plato, Socrates, and The Buddha, except… it wasn’t.

Christ had found what I had found, buried amid the Philosophy of Classic Greece: The 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth, which are Jacob’s Ladder.

The History

A lot of Christians do not know the History of Rome. But Rome, during the time of Christ, was at its prime. And Rome very much impacted Christ, The Bible, the Followers of Christ, the Apostles, and the Religion.

The Purple sash Christ is depicted as wearing is a Roman Sash that marks his status with The Roman Senate. Thus, Christ was a politician with a seat in the Roman Senate. More than that, he held a high seat in the Roman Senate. He was in a position of significant power.

Christ wore a toga. Why has no one noticed this before? The toga is the only acceptable garb of the Roman Empire (Pants were illegal to wear in the Roman Empire) and was very different than the Hebrew, nomadic clothing that Moses, Mary, and Joseph are depicted as wearing.

Think about it. Christ wore a toga and not traditional Hebrew garb that his mother or Joseph is often depicted as wearing.

Christ was killed by Rome.

The Persecution of the Christians that was depicted in the Acts of the Bible has a lot of back story to it that involves the infamous Fire of Rome, Nero, and a Scapegoat.

30 years after Christ’s death, Roman Emperor Nero, wanted to rebuild Rome. The Senate, told him no. Mysteriously, a short time later, there was a fire and all of Rome was burned to the ground. You may have heard that “Nero played while Rome burned” implying that he did nothing to help or stop the fire despite being Emperor.

Nero blamed the fire on the Christians and made Christianity illegal as a result. Nero did rebuild Rome. And the Christians caught the blame for a mysterious, Nero-convenient, and well-timed fire.

The year was 60 CE.

Studying Roman History does much to fill in the blanks of Christ’s life without changing his Story or the Biblical Scriptures at all. If anything, it adds a much richer depth and meaning to his life.

My favorite “thing” about Christ was his 12 Disciples.

Discipulus is Latin for “Follower of a Philosopher.” The Plural is “Discipuli.” Socrates was Plato’s Discipulus. Aristotle was Socrates’ Discipulus. Alexander The Great was Aristotle’s Discipulus (and his violence and affinity for war tell me that Alexander the Great “quit his studies” before he made it to the 6th Ethical Perspective).

A Philosopher has “Followers.” It is common, Philosophical lingo and Christ was no exception. “Follower of Christ” is such Philosopher verbiage, unique only to Philosophy.

“The Followers of Ayn Rand.” “The Followers of Socrates.” “The Followers of Nietzsche.”

There are 12 Ethical Stages.

Christ had 12 Disciples.

Because (and I appreciate this one) he needed someone to talk and translate his words from his 12+ Perspective into the other 12 Perspectives.

It is why there are 12 Jurors on a Jury during the Roman Empire. 1 for each Perspective so that judgement included “all” of the 12 Perspectives. Today’s Jury is an example of “Parroted” behavior without fully comprehending the reasons why.

Today’s jury consists of only the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Perspectives. Seems rather biased now, doesn’t it?

More evidence that the 12 Ethical Stages were very much common known and integrated for practical use into the Roman Culture.

Each Perspective has their own Language. There are 12+ hidden Languages within the Human Language. Believe you me, the Perspective Gap is the hardest thing to manage as you study and advance down into the 12 Ethical Stages.

It is the primary reason why I do not socialize with people outside of my Circle of Trust. I cannot communicate easily with most people.

It is almost impossible to communicate with anyone who is more than 2 Perspectives away from you. Thus Christ’s need for 12 Disciples.

After Nero outlawed Christianity, the religion went underground. Over the next 300 years, Rome was divided into the Western and Eastern Roman Empire, the Goths and Huns attacked Western Rome, which retreated to the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) in modern day Turkey.

And, in 360 CE, Constantine I, the first Christian Roman Emperor, legalized the religion. Christians surfaced. But what happened next leaves a lot of questions and drew a lot of my attention.

Christ’s Teachings were pure and untouched in 60 CE when Nero banned the religion.

In 360 CE, what surfaced was an evolved and widely unknown oral tradition that was recorded via Ancient texts.

Rome held the Council of Nicaea and, for 20 years and behind closed doors, The Bible the Roman Christian Religion was constructed by Men.

The same people (Romans) who killed and executed Christ constructed his religion, and did so in secret.

In 380 CE, The Holy Roman Empire emerged, announced that “Christianity” is the Official religion of Rome and that their Doctrine and Creed was to be followed. And later, that same year, the Roman Empire ordered all of Alexandria (The Epicenter and World Capital of Education and Learning) be destroyed.

100 years later, we were in the Dark Ages.

When I researched this era and I came to learn of the Council of Nicaea and Rome, one thing was made very clear to me in my understanding: Christ’s Original Teachings and Nicene Christianity were not the same thing. The Majority of today’s Christian Religion is modeled after Nicene Christianity and not Christ’s Original Teachings.

As someone who loved and adored Jesus the Son of God, at that time, I immediately threw out the Church, the Bible, and the Religion. I held strongly to Christ and the Ancient Texts, the original documents not doctored by Rome. (I recommend

Why do people trust Rome?

Why, after they executed Christ, did people trust Rome?

If I didn’t know better, I would say that Rome planned Christ’s execution and then went the extra mile to steal his religion from him and weaponize it.

Why, after ordering his execution and reading about how Roman Soldiers gambled away Christ’s clothes during his crucifixion, did people trust those same Romans when they declared that they had “created the Bible” and “Made the new religion?”

Since when are Romans qualified to “select” which words of Christ and his followers were deemed “worthy enough” to be included in the Bible? Why were Romans passing judgment on Christ and his Followers?

Why did Christ’s Followers and Believers never stop to question Christ’s Executioners when they declared, which words of Christ were not “good enough” for the Roman Church?”

Why did Christ’s followers blindly accept the word of his Executioners as trustworthy and qualified “Masters” of Christ? Since when are Men Masters of Christ?

What was Christ saying in the other Books and Ancient Texts that Christ’s Executioners didn’t want us to know about?

These were all the questions I asked and searched for in 1995 upon learning about the Council of Nicaea. It would take me 30 years to find those answers.

The 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth

“He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.” – Genesis 28:12

How much is amuses me that the Bible Verse is the 12th of 28.

When I recorded and documented the 12 Ethical Stages, I could see a pyramid of each as the Integrated Ethic of each Perspective was the Foundation and prerequisite for the next Ethic.

It was recently, March or February 2024, that I finally drew the Diagram for the 12 Ethics and my jaw hit the floor. I was looking at Jacob’s Ladder.

And the Progression through the 12 Stages is very much like an “ascent” and “descent” into what Christ very much depicts as “Heaven.” For me, it very much feels like a “Descent” into the Abstract. It feels like you’re going, “Over there” (To the Right. Always to the Right).

The problem is The Perspective Gap.

Christ spoke 12+ Perspective in a 2nd Perspective Era.

Our beloved Doubting Thomas was the 5th Perspective. That is the “I’ll believe it when I see it” Perspective. The 5th’s need their Science and Proof. The 5th Perspective is the reason why I dove so passionately into the Logic, Math, and Physics of my work.

Because I knew, the 5th Perspective would never prescribe to my work without evidence backed by Scientific Method. Everyone else just needs the logic with it to “feel” good and right.

Communication is a serious barrier when working within the Perspectives, giving rise to The Perspective Gap.

The Perspective Gap

The only way to communicate between Perspectives is through Metaphor and Story. It is the only thing that allows us to cross Perspectives. Literal Thinking is what each and everyone of us does in our own Perspective.

The problem is, what is literal to you, is not what is literal to me. So, to help people outside of our Perspectives better understand us, we talk in metaphor and story.

The best example of this is the conversations between a toddler and their parent. If you have ever spoken to young children, you have experienced the Perspective Gap. The toddler takes everything seriously.

The parent is forced to speak in Metaphor. Later, as the child grows, the child realizes that “their parents lied to them” because the metaphor, which the child took literally, is not at all the truth that the child believed.

Christ spoke in the 12th+ Perspective to his Disciples who all spoke and translated his words for the Era, which was 2nd Ethical Perspective.

Everything had to be translated into Story, Parable, and Metaphor. This is why almost everything Christ taught was in Story or Parable format.

The problem is 2nd Ethical Perspectives do not understand Metaphor so they took his words Literally. Christ’s words were never meant to be taken literally because Christ was not speaking in the 2nd Ethical Perspective. He was speaking in the 12th+.

Christ’s words are very correct and true, but his meaning was lost in translation.

As I progressed through the Ethical Stages, I started to read Christ’s words very, very differently. I could see the Metaphor and the Literal meaning of the 12 Ethical Perspectives.

By the time I arrived at the 9th of the You of I, I understood the last of Christ’s words, which means (I believe) that Christ was a 9th of the You of I trying to talk to the 2nd Ethics of the I of I; a 19-Dimension Perspective Gap.

And Christ’s words are a 100% match to the 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth.

I have something Christ did not have: Abstratic. In order to communicate all of my work and findings to the World, I had to invent a new language, which I call “Abstratic” just to be understood.

“Perspective Gap” is a phrase I invented in Abstratic. This allows me to say, “We’re having a Perspective Gap. Let me try talking to you in Simile or Metaphor so we can better understand each other.”

When my children and I talk, they often take my metaphors literally and we have to pause. “Are you speaking Literally?”

In Abstratic, “Literally” means “Speaking within one’s own Perspective.” and “Metaphorically” means “Speaking outside of ones’ own Perspective.”

And believe you me, this has gone so far to help bridge the Communication Gap between Perspectives.

So what do Christ’s words mean?

“I go to prepare a place for you.” means “The I of I” goes to prepare a place for the “You of I” so that where the “I of I” goes the “You of I” will be there also.

“Heaven” is a Mindset achieved only through following and living by the 12 Ethical Stages of Growth.

“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into Heaven” means A rich man has to lose everything to pass through the 12 Ethical Stages. Suffering and Loss is part of the Growth.

“God is Love.” Now that is Literal. The 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth are the 12 Integrated Ethics that compose Self-Love.

“I am my Father’s Son” is referencing the Parent +> Procreation of the Life Cycle of Human Propagation. We are mirrors and replicas of a Parent Origin.

So how is Christ’s Words weaponized by Rome?

It was after I had found the 12 Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth. Christ talks a lot about Forgiveness and Christ’s Followers mimic and repeat Christ’s teachings on Forgiveness, except. Forgiveness is not internalized, understood, or even clearly defined until the 12 Ethic.

And prior to the 12 Ethic of the I of I, I had no idea what exactly “Forgiveness” meant. And neither did anyone else. Every time I sought out to define it or ask others to define it, no one could. What I found was hundreds of vague answers. Many of whom repeated the word “forgiveness” in their definition, which is a logical fallacy in Linguistics.

It is not logical or possible to define a word while using the word with which you are trying to define.

So then What is forgiveness and why is everyone talking about it?

At the 12th Ethical Stage, I understood it. And that is when I realized two truths:

There are only two men in the entire history of man who knew what Forgiveness actually was:

Jesus Christ and Victor Hugo.

Hugo was a 12th+ Perspective.

Everyone else was just parroting Christ without really understanding Forgiveness.

In Mathematics, a Constant is something that is so consistent that it is inarguable and never changes. It is a Common Denominator.

If a Word Definition is not consistent, then it is an unknown. Two words that are often not agreed upon in definition are:

  • Truth
  • Forgiveness

Which makes both of these Inconsistent and Unknowns.

In short, you do not know about Forgiveness until and unless you evolve through all 12 Ethical Stages of Growth. Which means, Christ evolved through all the Ethical Stages of Perspective Growth.


*leans closer toward you* 5 of the Ethics are strangely missing from ALL of his teachings. Now isn’t that strange.

Victor Hugo talks on all 12 Ethics. I talk on all 12 Ethics. Christ does not. Interesting.

What was Christ saying in the other Books and Ancient Texts that Christ’s Executioners didn’t want us to know?

The answer, I believe, is the 12 Ethics of Perspective Growth. Specifically, the ones that talk on Self-Love, Education, Curiosity, Independence, Trial-and-Error, and Learning.

No where in the 12 Ethics is there ever anything about “Obedience.” Quite the opposite. Christ’s teachings, what he knew, what he practiced and taught, was horribly inconsistent with the 12 Ethics… and yet Christ knew about Forgiveness. There is no other way to know about Forgiveness.

And the Ethics that are missing are precise in their absence. Too precise. Strategic, in fact.

Rome held the Council of Nicaea and, for 20 years and behind closed doors, The Bible the Roman Christian Religion was constructed.

The same people who killed and executed Christ constructed his religion, and did so in secret.

This is why I believe very strongly that what most Christians were taught was not Christ’s Teachings, but Rome’s Weapon.

I believe that Rome removed select Ethics from the 12 Ethical Stages, doctoring Christ’s Teachings, to manipulate the people into mindless, obedient, submission.

This is not what Christ would want for anyone.


Forgiveness only “works” when you are in a position of Nonconsensual Human Connection and Forced Vulnerability.

It is the Mindset and the Process of turning your Abuser into a possible version of your future Yourself so that you see what your Abuser sees: a connection between you and your abuser.

The Abuser sees a past version of themselves in you. And You reminded your Abuser of themselves when they were abused. Which is why they choose to abuse you. The See themselves in you.

Forgiveness is the Victim seeing a Future version of themselves in the Abuser.

And giving Kindness, Compassion, and Comprehension to the Abuser, choosing Kindness while they abuse you, and turning your Abuser into your Teacher, and being Grateful to them for the Lesson.

Forgiveness is the act of loving your Future Self represented in your Abuser at the time of the Abuse.

This is not possible without the 6th Ethic of Self-Value and Self-Love, the 7th Ethic of Silent Observation of the Wise Student, the 9th Ethic of Empathy and Compassion, and the 11th Ethic of Emotional Navigation.

All of the Ethics listed above, with the exception of Empathy, are strangely absent from Christ’s teachings, making True Forgiveness impossible. Which is why so many Christians “miss the point” and fail to understand, define, and/or practice true Forgiveness.

Look to the Bishop and his Candlesticks in Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables. That is True Forgiveness. As I said, it is the only True Display of Forgiveness in all of Human History aside from Christ himself.

In Summation

The Teachings and Philosophy of Christ are, without a doubt, the most elegant and beautiful of Logic and Ethical Philosophy I have ever seen because it is 100% reflective of Mother Nature (God).

However, my knowledge on the Ancient Roman Mindset, their History, and the Sociological pattern of War and Imperialization has too much Narcissistic “slop” embedded into the Philosophy of Christ.

I have no doubt that the “religion” that survives today is a botched and corrupted Roman Weapon intended to turn its Followers into Mindless, obedient sheep for easy manipulation and control designed to keep the True Teaching and Philosophy of Christ far from the hands of the people.

Because once you know the 12 Ethical Stages and you See how much Christ too discovered them and tried, during the 2nd Ethical Age of The Roman Empire, to teach them, you will see just how much corrupted “influence” Rome had over Christianity.

There is not a person alive today who is not felt the contamination of the Council of Nicaea during Ancient Rome.

Every single one of us has suffered.