Undeniable Logic

There are certain points during the Journey of Comprehension where the Logic catches up to you long before the words do.

At this point, there is a pause in your journey. You enter Silent Observation and you Process.

I felt scared. Disbelief. Loneliness. Trust for the Universe. Like, “This is our Evolution. This is where we are meant to go.”

But the grand vastness of what I looked at some days left me feeling small. Left me feeling so alone. Left me feeling…

“It’s so heavy.”

I wanted, so many times to just put this down and walk away. But no one can walk your path, but you. Your path is your path.

I’m telling you this because this is part of this Journey. I have spoken to so many people who are on this Journey and don’t know it. Many are “stuck.” Many seek the Ayahuasca Journey prematurely without the proper prerequisites in place.

This Journey should be done without the interference of drugs. I am 3 months sober and realized recently how much the drugs took away from the experience and added “delusion” to the Abstract.

Those who “get it” are the ones who have long since abandoned the drugs to venture on naked and raw with Mother Nature.

Self-Control is what you lose when you are on drugs. I do not condone the Ayahuasca Journey. The Drugs confused me, added delusion to the experience, and significantly slowed my progress. It left me questioning my data and, I realized early January 2024, that my brain, as Subject 0, could not be measured accurately if not sober.

Self-Control since, has come to me in vast quantities.

In short, drugs strip a person of the 4th Ethical Perspective, which is a violation of my Creed.

To each his own. But for me, the more I venture down this path, the more I prefer to do so sober.