DIY Cultivator’s Course : Lesson #4 “The Big Picture”
The Cognitive Core of The Subconscious Mind-[1738269607687]
The Cognitive Core of The Subconscious Mind-[1738269607687]
Coming Soon…
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The Insanity of Cats Chirping At Birds Are you Chirping at birds for you meal?
Conscious Plotting
Coming Soon…
Coming Soon…
Achievement Unlocked: The Powers and Potential of Higher Thinking being nurtured by other Higher Thinkers Coming Soon…
Coming Soon…
We Want To Be Ethical, to the point of being Phony about being Ethical. Coming Soon…
Change your Words and you change your Mindset.
Abuse/Bully/Aggression/Hostility/Anger + Downplaying / Dismissive / Justifying Their Abuse = Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Fallacy
Coming soon…
Why do we talk like this? Seriously!? What is it about Academics that they use this prose!? Coming Soon…
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Coming Soon… How Faith and Proof are not Enemies, but Symbiotic.
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Coming Soon… The “Forgiving Mindset.”
“Exploratory Dialogues”
Coming Soon… *This course is an hypothesis and opens the door for discussion
Coming Soon: Translating Christ’s 12+ Perspective of the 2nd Era into Common Perspective of the 4th Era
*This course is an Hypothesis that opens the door to this study and discussion. Abstract Time: The 3rd Dimension
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Coming Soon… The Four Types of Logic
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Coming Soon… When our “Story” get’s Interrupted or Abandoned
Coming Soon… In this course, we break down the Basic Logic-Essentials for Problem Solving and Easy Living
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Coming soon… Want + Choose + Learn + Solve + Do = Learning
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Coming Soon… Components. Mastered Components. Now… Put them all together.
Coming Soon: Linguistics + Logic + Word Etymology, Use, Evolution, and Purpose. The truth behind the words we use.