You have found A RARE Golden Nugget!
This is Nugget #5!
Redeem Your Golden Nugget!
You are all set!
You are officially now in all the Groups that best fit your Needs, Wants, Dreams, and Skill Level!
One More Question…
Did this Process give you Anxiety?
Yes! It lasted too long and was making me anxious!
Are you kidding!? I LOVED THIS! Let’s Do It Again!
I wasn’t paying attention. Clearly, I didn’t mind it. So, no.
So… What happens now?
Now, you go to the Groups. Familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Be SURE you read the “Welcome Please Read” Post and look through the “Learning” Tab in your Groups. The Groups got you to your PEOPLE!
That is what the Sorting did! You are officially with all the Like Minded People who match your Ethics, Goals, Dreams, Way of Thinking, Interests, and Shared Life Experiences! And you ALL are in a SAFE, ETHICAL Community with all the Resources you need to get you Nourished to THE NEXT LEVEL!
Just like that. Easy Peasy 🙂
Now! I want to point out to you…
Only the PEOPLE who made it to THIS POINT are Sorted into the Proper Groups. 100% of all others who chose to opt out were redirected to The Core Group for Community Gaia or somewhere else entirely, based on their Selections.
In The Core Group of Community Gaia, you will find all the People who did not at all get sorted. I want you to NOTICE. Observe. LEARN. In Community Gaia, you get to WITNESS the difference between Skill Levels and how something like this sets people apart.
That is the first example of how Quality and Work pays off in Community Gaia. Those who selected certain Questions, were re-directed toward the Corresponding Groups that would provide them with the appropriate Resources.
It will mess up my data and then I won’t be able to tell how efficient my Algorithm is and if it requires “tweaking.” Furthermore, I won’t be able to properly Optimize the needs of each Group according to their Skill Level.
If you want to share this with a Family or Friend, BE SURE you send them to The “Welcome” Page.
One More Thing… And this is IMPORTANT…
Do you remember when I gave you Gaia’s Creed?
–> The Ethical Law and Natural Order
–> The 12 Ethics
–> Abuse Proof You : The Narcissist Cure
–> “How To Be Kind : A Simple Course To Kindness.”
–> The Diplomat’s Friend
–> The Circle of TrustÂ
People were sorted based on who Committed to read and proceed, and who did not. This means, Everyone in the Groups that you were just sorted in were given the SAME Rules and each one COMMITTED to Learn and Do Better. Everyone in Community Gaia officially CAN know Ethical Behavior (Good) from Unethical Behavior (Bad).
In those Groups, if you are rude, EVERYONE WILL KNOW. And we will know that it was DONE ON PURPOSE. Also, observe. Watch. Learn. And use The Circle of Trust and The 4th Ethic accordingly to keep yourself Safe.
REMEMBER! NO Tit-For-Tat Strategy or Rhetoric is permitted in Gaia. But also, YOU will be learning how to Stand up against abusers who challenge you if it happens at all. And you have an ENTIRE COMMUNITY with the SAME 12 ETHICS who will back you up.
A Community is only ever as Safe as People are willing to Stand up Intelligently and Ethically TOGETHER against what is wrong.
Learn how to do this safely in Gaia.