This Is Community Gaia’s Ethics And Our Creed
Government has Laws.
Self-Government has Creeds.
This is everything you need to Learn and KNOW Good from Bad. It is Everything you need to know about “How to be a Kind Person” and also, “How to stand up for yourself.”
This is “How to Protect Myself From Others” and “How To Protect Others From Myself.”
–> The Ethical Law and Natural Order
–> The 12 Ethics
–> Abuse Proof You : The Narcissist Cure
–> “How To Be Kind : A Simple Course To Kindness.”
–> The Diplomat’s Friend
–> The Circle of TrustÂ
AND EVERYONE IN COMMUNITY GAIA RECEIVES THIS CREED. Everyone in Community Gaia officially HAS THE ABILITY TO KNOW AND LEARN Ethical Behavior (Good) from Unethical Behavior (Bad).
From this point on, everyone in Community Gaia will KNOW who has and who has NOT PRIORITIZED THIS AGENDA.
And that allows EVERYONE to see just WHAT KIND of a Person you CHOOSE to be and if they want to work with you.
Everyone will know because I will have given them THIS opportunity. And everyone will know that any Abusive Action done in Ignorance was also done on Purpose. Because this is the Point where Ignorance was Chosen. This is called ETHICAL Accountability and ETHICAL Visibility.
And it sorts out the Abusers quite nicely…
Which is HOW Community Gaia can stay safe.
You do not have to read these Documents. You can continue from here. You can Skip to The End and not complete the Sorting and enter Gaia anyway. You can also Continue with The Adventure Sorting. Whatever you Choose, the Choice is yours.
This is the Difference between Society 1.0 and Society 2.0.
In Society 1.0, EVERYONE can say, “But I didn’t know” and use Ignorance to justify how much of an asshole they choose to be. But in Gaia, Ignorance is a Choice. And in Gaia ALL assholes CHOOSE to be assholes WITH INTENT. Because there is NO MORE EXCUSE FOR YOU beyond this point.
So now is the REAL Question.
How MUCH do you use your Excuses to Avoid Doing The Work?
Because after this point, everyone including your self will know this about you.