I Stand

I stand with Ireland. She is my Homeland and my Alma Mater. I am her Keeper. She is under my Protection. If you harm Ireland, then you harm Anna.

I stand with Greece. She is my Alma Mater. I am her Keeper. If you harm Greece, then you harm Anna.

I stand with Iran. She is my Alma Mater. I am her Keeper. If you harm Iran, then you harm Anna.

I stand with Scotland. I am her Keeper. If you harm Scotland, then you harm Anna.

I stand with Norway. I am her Keeper. If you harm Norway, then you harm Anna.

I stand with Japan. I am her Keeper. If you harm Japan, then you harm Anna.

I stand with New York City. She is my Heart. I am her Keeper. If you harm New York City… again, then you harm Anna… again.

I stand with Kenya. I am her Keeper. If you harm Kenya, then you harm Anna.

I stand with Uganda. I am her Keeper. If you harm Uganda, then you harm Anna.

I stand with Nigeria. I am her Keeper. If you harm Nigeria, then you harm Anna.


Eventually, I will have every Country and Territory on this list. I’m working on it.


Every child who is not wanted in this world is my Child. I want them. They belong to me and are in my Care regardless of their age. My Educational System and Triadic Healing is for them.


On 1 January 2025, there is now no such thing as “An Unwanted Child” on this planet. I am their Keeper. They belong to me. There are no more Orphans. Now EVERYONE has a Mother. I don’t care how old you are. And I’m working on getting to each and every one of them through my Work.

If you work with Children, contact me.  Go here. You will Be Oriented and directed to my Office. I’m bringing the Children Home. The Alexandria Project and Community Gaia is for them.