Education is Your Life System, Your Vocational Education, and Your Life Navigational Skills. A proper, High Quality Educational System will provide you with these areas of Study.
YOU are the Subject. A Discipline is a Tool focus on Skill Building.
Reading, Writing, Communication, Skill Building, and Problem Solving are your key components of Study.
The Master Levels of Study are :
- An Arrogant
- Apprentice
- Tradesmen
- Master
- Wizard – Philosopher
- Wizard – Sage
- Ashavana – Magi
- Ashavana – Geni
- Ashavana – Logi
An Arrogant
This is someone who is not a Learner. They do not study, but they have Opinions and Beliefs without Fact or Knowledge and they are proud of this. They are people who do not Value Education, Knowledge, Ethics, or Skills enough to Learn more than what they Believe. They protect their Opinions from Challenge. They believe they have all the answers while having none. This is called Vaunting. They live in The Arrogant’s Ignorant Paradox.
This is someone who is a Student, Skill Level #1. They are Learning the Language and Logic of their Field of Study. The Apprentice is Clumsy and Unskilled and they often are burdened with feeling Incompetent, and like “they can’t do anything.” This is called “The Apprentice Gift.”
The reason why this is called The Apprentice Gift, is because only the Apprentice knows when they are Learning, which is often forgotten at The Tradesmen Level Skill. The Apprentice Gift reminds the Apprentice that they are Unskilled and they are Clumsy because they ARE Learning and are New at something, which takes great Patience, Self-Love, Kindness, Forgiveness, and Understanding.
The Apprentice Gift comes — not only with the knowledge — but also with the Lesson that Learning is a Journey that requires Perseverance and Endurance, which are part of the lesson. No one is born a Master.
This is a Student at Skill Level #2. They are no longer Clumsy and their Skill is Fluent, but they lack Theory and Understanding. Many Tradesmen mistake this Stage as “Master.” A True Master can Articulate Simply How they do what they do.
A Tradesmen cannot communicate what they are doing. They are following their Intuition. A person can be in the Tradesmen Skill Level all of their Life without any growth. Many Tradesmen will be here for 40+ Years. They mistake “Quantity of Time” as “Expert.” This is not true.
“If you cannot explain something simply, then you do not understand it well enough.” – Einstein
If you are not Pushed Into Challenge, then you are not Learning. If you are Comfortable, then you are not Learning. Have you been doing something for 40 Years in Challenge? Or have you been doing something for 40 Years in Comfort?
You are a Master when you can Simply and Clearly, explain how and why you do something. This is The Apprentice Teacher Skill Level.
Wizard – Philosopher
The Wizard-Philosopher can do everything the Master can do while Discovered new Disciplines with what they’ve learned. They begin to make “Academic Discipline Soup” or “Knowledge Soup.” Please note : This is the Philosopher Skill Level and is not to be confused with the Profession of “Philosopher.” Tradesmen Teacher Skill Level, the Wizard-Philosopher usually dislikes Teaching.
Wizard – Sage
Renowned for their Reclusive Nature, they can do everything the Wizard-Philosopher can do, and also are Masters of the Disciplines they Discovered. They are Masters of their Knowledge Soup and can explain it simply to others. The Sage often withdraws.
Ashavana – Magi
The Magi Masters Diplomacy, Gentle Teaching, and Authentic Kindness as well as all the Skills of the Wizard-Sage. They are Proficient at New Skills. Problems do not exist. They find Mother Nature’s Song and they Synchronize their Dance with Mother Nature’s.
- Ashavana – Geni : Unknown
- Ashavana – Logi : Unknown
Every Skill set you do or don’t have, every bit of knowledge you do or don’t have can now be weighed against this.
This is The Quality Scale of Skills and Resources with which to Measure the Value of one’s Skills, Assets, and Resources. Everyone inside Community Gaia, University Emporium, and The Healing Garden is given this information, which means everyone now can assess the True Skills of everyone else.
And everyone has the same, Equal Quality in Education as everyone else.
People never wanted “Equal Rights.” Rights cannot be taken from you.
What they wanted was “Equal Equality,” which they now — at last — finally have within Community Gaia. Free Educational of The Highest Quality for All.
But Wait! There’s More.
Your Ethical Education reveals your Ethical Maturity. The 12 Ethics provide you a full comprehensive Guide on this. If you wish to work on your Ethical Education, you will need to begin The Asha Journey as a Pilgrim.
Real Life School
A Skill is a Level. Quality is your Skill Level. Everyone is Master in some things and Apprentice in others.
Let’s give you this exercise. You all can eat food. You all can put food in your mouth and chew it. Most people can Walk.
Now. Can you explain to another person how to do these tasks Simply and Clearly?
Now ask the Question :Â Are you a Master Communicator? Are you a Master [Fill In The Skill]? You will require BOTH Skills.